El Programa de Solvencia Financiera enseña los principios detrás de la Ofensiva, la Defensiva, and y el Campo de Juego de las finanzas personales.

Qué hay Adentro:

  • Libro de Solvencia Financiera
  • Libro de Ejercicios de Solvencia Financiera
  • 9 Audios Llenos de Información
  • Disponible en 3 Idiomas
    • Inglés, Español, Francés
  • Calcomanía de Solvencia Financiera

Disponible Digitalmente

  • eBook de Solvencia Financiera
  • Libro de Ejercicios Electrónico de Solvencia Financiera
  • 9 Audios Llenos de Información
  • Disponible en 3 Idiomas
    • Inglés, Español, Francés
  • Audios Disponibles Fuera de Línea

Series de Videos de Entrenamiento de Educación Financiera

Una colección de videos educativos, impartidos por los coautores de Solvencia Financiera Orrin Woodward y Chris Brady, diseñados para reforzar los 47 principios enseñados en el Programa de Solvencia Financiera.
Escuchar Muestra 1

Escuchar Muestra 2

Escuchar Muestra 3

Escuchar Muestra 4

Pero no confíe sólo en nuestra palabra...

Tracy and I have been married for 20 years, and during that time, we have always carried some form of debt. At one point in our marriage, we found ourselves being obligated to 20+ creditors and about $40,000+ in debt outside of our mortgage. But because we decided to utilize the Financial Fitness Program and apply its principles, we have been able to eliminate seven of the last eight creditors and the $25,000 that we still had remaining from the original $40,000. However, we didn’t do that without challenges; we had to buy a new car, we had to pay over $1,000 in home repairs, Tracy and I both had medical outpatient surgeries that we had to pay as well. But if it were not for our coaches and mentors, Tracy and I would have probably spent our entire life carrying that debt. We would have been stuck square in the Financial Matrix; but now because of the Financial Fitness Program, we are able to spend the rest of our lives chasing our dreams!
Joe Clark

On Tuesday, Carol and I were able to write our last check to a personal loan that we had with a credit union. We are so excited about that because now all we have left is our home mortgage. That means in the past 2.5 years we have eliminated $57,000 in credit card debt, 2 car loans, and the $15,000 personal loan. That’s the Financial Fitness Program working at its best right there!
Luis Medina