I’m so excited! About 12-24 months ago, I had put a $500 car repair on a credit card,
started paying it down a little bit, then graduation rolled around and I didn’t save up
for graduation so I had to put those expenses on a credit card. The balance had been
plaguing me month after month after month. Well—NOT ANYMORE! A couple of days
ago, I paid off this credit card and I just feel so FREE! That’s another Harvey coming
out of the Financial Matrix. We’re doing it as a family. It is difficult to be different and
to be disciplined, but it is TOTALLY worth it to be chipping away at my debt. I have a plan to be out of the
Financial Matrix within the next couple of years (before I’m 30) and I am so excited!! I don’t even know
how to express this because it is not the norm for my family.
Jasmine Harvey
I am so proud of my husband Tommie! He has gone through the Financial Fitness principles and has been able to eliminate our consumer debt of over $48K! We were able to pay off two of our creditors 26 months in advance- totaling around $13,210. The principles we have learned in the Financial Fitness Program absolutely work! I would suggest everyone to dig and get rolling.
Cassandra Mathis