Master Class

Broaden your understanding of financial fitness...

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

We are fired up to report that as of March 2nd, 2017, the Melton family arrived at their independence day! We wrote our last checks to get out of debt and we are now 100% out of the Financial Matrix. We are so excited about that! We got our hands on the Financial Fitness Program last March and over the last 12 months we’ve paid off over $45,000 of debt and we recovered $1,200 a month that was going out into the matrix to pay off the debts we had. That $1,200 a month now can be used towards furthering our family’s future, our purpose, and the Kingdom of God.
Josh Melton

Since December of 2016, I have been following the Green Box principles and I’ve been on a strict budget as well as investing in my business and I have saved about 20% of my monthly income. I went from broke to tightwad and now I’m on my way to financial freedom!
Lyn Leffel

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